We have been trying for the past five years to interest a University to partner with our Foundation to offer a Bachelor of Science, (BSc), Upgrade for the physical therapists in Kenya who have three year diplomas. The Kenyan Physios want this since the World Congress of Physical Therapy has established the BSc as the minimum educational standard internationally for physical therapists. Until A MOST AMAZING MOMENT we have gone nowhere with our efforts. Very frustrating.
Two weeks ago I was teaching in Kenya and just before I had to go to the airport I was called out of class for a meeting with representatives of AMREF, (aka, the Flying Doctors). As I entered the office I was introduced to Peter Ngatia, one of the Executive Directors of AMREF. I wondered aloud if we had met since his name sounded so familiar. He smiled from ear to ear and said, “So you ARE Richard Jackson!” Come to find out, Peter and I worked closely together 38 years ago when I was at Kenya Medical Training College as a Peace Corps volunteer. It was truly an amazing moment and a very emotional reunion.
After many hugs, smiles, and photographs we sat down to business. AMREF has just received their charter as a bonafide University and are interested in medical education. Within minutes we agreed to partner and begin a BSc upgrade for Kenyan Physical Therapists in May. Years of frustration solved due to a relationship forged 38 years previously. The world does work in very mysterious ways!