Congratulations to the Class of 2017 and the first graduates of the only Doctoral Program in Africa!
"The long awaited and anticipated time has come. What has been achieved was once a pigment of idea and hope in the minds of the few as a novice proposal to a great institution such as ours, Addis Ababa University, School of Medicine. The very first and the only doctoral Program in physiotherapy in the continent of Africa and one of the few programs in the world has bear fruit." Dr. Theodros W. Gebriel
All 17 students graduated with distinction with GPAs over 3.0 and three students scored the top 4 GPA's and were recognized by the president of the country. It was such an exciting day to all and great recognition to everyone's hard work, persistence and sacrifice.
"It should be understood by everyone that this program is unique in the world of physiotherapy. Our graduates are primary care providers, able to prescribe medication, order and read radiographs and treat trauma cases. No other DPT program train to this level. None of this would have happened without the tireless efforts on a volunteer basis of Dr. Theodros Gebriel and Dr. Cheryl Footer of Regis University. They have been the driving forces in getting the curriculum developed and the program launched and seen to completion." Richard and Anna Jackson